Customer Service / MARKETING
Persistent Commitment to Superior Customer Service since 1986
The Columbia Basin Railroad and Central Washington Railroad marketing and customer service team is based in Yakima, Washington. Yakima is centrally located in the region and we are in close proximity to all of our railroads and properties. As a result, we are able to meet with current and prospective customers as well as our partners on a moment�s notice.
Since we are a local company with a centrally located operations and business team, we are able to provide our customers with prompt and efficient service. Through our dedicated dispatch office, to our local crews on the ground, we provide each customer with unsurpassed customer service to ensure their needs are met.
Because we have an in-house commercial real estate and business development team, we can assist in the site selection process, and the related logistics planning. We will work diligently with your team to ensure rail service is a smooth and productive process, so that all your needs are met.
Additionally, we are an effective advocate for our customers when issues arise with our connecting carriers. We work hard to reply to rate requests in a prompt timeframe and make sure rail car requests are filled correctly. Special train service is available on short notice upon request.
As a result of our strong track record of customer service and business development, Columbia Basin Railroad was recognized with the "2008 Shortline Achievement Award" presented by the BNSF in October 2008

Columbia Basin Railroad and its family of companies are proud of being recognized for superior service and performance. We will continue to provide high quality service for our customers (both existing and potential) to give them the competitive advantage they need to succeed and/or grow their businesses.

General Manager
Columbia Basin Railroad
111 University Parkway, Ste 200
Yakima, WA 98901
Customer Service/Marketing
Columbia Basin Railroad
Fax: (509) 453-9349